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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)


What file type should I upload?

AI or EPS file types will give you the best results, but we also accept high-resolution PNG and JPEG files. In all cases, higher resolutions are better.

Do you keep my artwork on file and where is this saved?

Yes, we do save your artwork on the Wayo platform! You can access your previously-used design files under the “Designs & reference links” section in each project.

Can I specify a HEX/Pantone color for my print?

We will try to match your colors as accurately as possible regardless of the color code provided, However, if color accuracy and brand consistency is important, we highly recommend providing Pantone color codes for all colors in your design.
HEX codes are also acceptable, but may lead to more variations in color, as HEX codes were created for Internet and web designs. Colors on the screen don’t appear the same as colors in real life, and different people interpret the same colors differently. As a result, HEX codes are less likely to yield accurate color reproduction in physical products.
Note: Exact color matching isn’t possible for every product due to limitations in the printing process. Similarly, variations in color may naturally occur as various printing methods can alter the appearance of certain colors.

What dimensions should my design be?

Requirements for design dimensions differ based on the item, item size, and printing method. Please see the design guidelines, located under each item's “Product details” for more information.

Will my design be scaled up or down based on garment size?

Yes, your design will be scaled up or down based on garment size. If you have specific questions about scaling, reach out to your project manager on the Wayo portal.

What is a “safe print area”?

The “safe print area” refers to the areas of a product where text and images should be positioned within your design. Please keep your design within the designated “safe print area,” as elements outside of the safety zone won’t be incorporated in the final product.

Can I order a custom sample?

Yes, it’s possible to order a custom sample for both catalog products and fully custom products, though it isn’t required.
However, for fully custom products, we highly recommend ordering a custom sample. That way, you can thoroughly inspect the product with your own eyes and let us know if any adjustments are necessary.
Note: Blank samples are not available at this time.

Why does it say my design was revised/needs revision?

There are a few common reasons why your design may need to be revised, such as:
  • Image quality
    • Image was pixelated or blurry
    • Image was dark or unclear
    • Image was too bright or washed out
  • Image complexity
    • Font or artwork contains extremely thin lines
    • Gradient colors can’t be accurately reproduced
    • Legibility
    • Text size is too small
    • Color of text is illegible against background
  • Safety area
    • Elements are not positioned within the designated “safe print area.”

If the adjustment is minor, our team will make the adjustment directly and notify you. If the revision is more major, your project manager will reach out to you directly with more detailed requirements.

In both cases, a revised design will be provided and must be approved before we move forward with your order. Note that delays in communication may impact the estimated delivery date.